Publications 2017


  1. Bazhan, I.S.; Litasov, K.D.; Ohtani, E.; Ozawa, S. (2017) Majorite-olivine-high-Ca pyroxene assemblage in the shock-melt veins of Pervomaisky L6 chondrite // American Mineralogist 102, 1279-1286
  2. Bazhan, I.S.; Ozawa, S.; Miyahara, M.; Ohtani, E.; Litasov, K.D. (2017) "Spherulite-like" jadeite growth in shock-melt veins of the Novosibirsk H5/6 chondrite // Russian Geology and Geophysics 58, 12-19
  3. Bolotina, N.B.; Gavryushkin, P.N.; Korsakov, A.V.; Rashchenko, S.V.; Seryotkin, Y.V.; Golovin, A.V.; Moine, B.N.; Zaitsev, A.N.; Litasov, K.D. (2017) Incommensurately modulated twin structure of nyerereite Na1.64K0.36Ca(CO3)2 // Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials 73, 276-284
  4. Chanyshev, A.D.; Litasov, K.D.; Furukawa, Y.; Kokh, K.A.; Shatskiy, A.F. (2017) Temperature-induced oligomerization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at ambient and high pressures // Scientific Reports 7, 7889
  5. Chanyshev, A.D.; Litasov, K.D.; Shatskiy, A.F.; Sharygin, I.S.; Higo, Y.; Ohtani, E. (2017) Transition from melting to carbonization of naphthalene, anthracene, pyrene and coronene at high pressure // Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 270, 29-39
  6. Dorogokupets, P.I.; Dymshits, A.M.; Litasov, K.D.; Sokolova, T.S. (2017) Thermodynamics and equations of state of iron to 350 GPa and 6000 K // Scientific Reports 7, 41863
  7. Gavryushkin, P.N.; Litasov, K.D.; Dobrosmislov, S.S.; Popov, Z.I. (2017) High-pressure phases of sulfur: Topological analysis and crystal structure prediction // Physica Status Solidi B 254, 1600857
  8. Gavryushkin, P.N.; Martirosyan, N.S.; Inerbaev, T.M.; Popov, Z.I.; Rashchenko, S.V.; Likhacheva, A.Y.; Lobanov, S.S.; Goncharov, A.F.; Prakapenka, V.B.; Litasov, K.D. (2017) Aragonite-II and CaCO3-VII: New high-pressure, high-temperature polymorphs of CaCO3 // Crystal Growth & Design 17, 6291–6296
  9. Golovin, A.V.; Goryainov, S.V.; Kokh, S.N.; Sharygin, I.S.; Rashchenko, S.V.; Kokh, K.A.; Sokol, E.V.; Devyatiyarova, A.S. (2017) The application of Raman spectroscopy to djerfisherite identification // Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 48, 1574-1582
  10. Golovin, A.V.; Korsakov, A.V.; Gavryushkin, P.N.; Zaitsev, A.N.; Thomas, V.G.; Moine, B.N. (2017) Raman spectra of nyerereite, gregoryite, and synthetic pure Na2Ca(CO3)2: diversity and application for the study micro inclusions // Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 48, 1559-1565
  11. Kolesnichenko, M.V.; Zedgenizov, D.A.; Litasov, K.D.; Safonova, I.Y.; Ragozin, A.L. (2017) Heterogeneous distribution of water in the mantle beneath the central Siberian Craton: Implications from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe // Gondwana Research 47, 249-266
  12. Litasov, K.D.; Podgornykh, N.M. (2017) Raman spectroscopy of various phosphate minerals and occurrence of tuite in the Elga IIE iron meteorite // Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 48, 1518-1527
  13. Litasov, K.D.; Shatskiy, A.; Gavryushkin, P.N.; Bekhtenova, A.E.; Dorogokupets, P.I.; Danilov, B.S.; Higo, Y.; Akilbekov, A.T.; Inerbaev, T.M. (2017) P-V-T equation of state of CaCO3 aragonite to 29 GPa and 1673 K: In situ X-ray diffraction study // Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 265, 82-91
  14. Litasov, K.D.; Shatskiy, A.; Ponomarev, D.S.; Gavryushkin, P.N. (2017) Equations of state of iron nitrides ε-Fe3Nx and γ-Fe4Ny to 30 GPa and 1200 K and implication for nitrogen in the Earth's core // Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 122, 3574-3584
  15. Lobanov, S.S.; Dong, X.; Martirosyan, N.S.; Samtsevich, A.I.; Stevanovic, V.; Gavryushkin, P.N.; Litasov, K.D.; Greenberg, E.; Prakapenka, V.B.; Oganov, A.R.; Goncharov, A.F. (2017) Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction of sp3-CaCO3 at lower mantle pressures // Physical Review B 96, 104101
  16. Ohfuji, H.; Nakaya, M.; Yelisseyev, A.P.; Afanasiev, V.P.; Litasov, K.D. (2017) Mineralogical and crystallographic features of polycrystalline yakutite diamond // Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 112, 46-51
  17. Ohtani, E.; Ozawa, S.; Miyahara, M. (2017) Jadeite in shocked meteorites and its textural variations // Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences 112, 247-255
  18. Rashchenko, S.V.; Bakakin, V.V.; Shatskiy, A.F.; Gavryushkin, P.N.; Seryotkin, Y.V.; Litasov, K.D. (2017) Noncentrosymmetric Na2Ca4(CO3)5 carbonate of "M13M23XY3Z" structural type and affinity between borate and carbonate structures for design of new optical materials // Crystal Growth & Design 17, 6079-6084
  19. Rashchenko, S.V.; Goryainov, S.V.; Romanenko, A.V.; Golovin, A.V.; Korsakov, A.V.; Moine, B.N.; Mikhno, A.O. (2017) High-pressure Raman study of nyerereite from Oldoinyo Lengai // Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 48, 1438-1442
  20. Sakairi, T.; Ohtani, E.; Kamada, S.; Sakai, T.; Sakamaki, T.; Hirao, N. (2017) Melting relations in the Fe–S–Si system at high pressure and temperature: implications for the planetary core // Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 4, 10
  21. Sakairi, T.; Sakamaki, T.; Ohtani, E.; Fukui, H.; Kamada, S.; Tsutsui, S.; Uchiyama, H.; Baron, A.Q.; 2018. Sound velocity measurements of hcp Fe-Si alloy at high pressure and high temperature by inelastic X-ray scattering // American Mineralogist 103, 85-90
  22. Sharygin, I.S.; Litasov, K.D.; Shatskiy, A.; Safonov, O.G.; Golovin, A.V.; Ohtani, E.; Pokhilenko, N.P. (2017) Experimental constraints on orthopyroxene dissolution in alkali-carbonate melts in the lithospheric mantle: Implications for kimberlite melt composition and magma ascent // Chemical Geology 455, 44-56
  23. Shatskiy, A.; Litasov, K.D.; Sharygin, I.S.; Ohtani, E. (2017) Composition of primary kimberlite melt in a garnet lherzolite mantle source: constraints from melting phase relations in anhydrous Udachnaya-East kimberlite with variable CO2 content at 6.5 GPa // Gondwana Research 45, 208-227
  24. Shatskiy, A.; Podborodnikov, I.V.; Arefiev, A.V.; Litasov, K.D.; Chanyshev, A.D.; Sharygin, I.S.; Karmanov, N.S.; Ohtani, E. (2017) Effect of alkalis on the reaction of clinopyroxene with Mg-carbonate at 6 GPa: Implications for partial melting of carbonated lherzolite // American Mineralogist 102, 1934-1946


  1. Dymshits, A.M.; Litasov, K.D.; Shatskiy, A.; Chanyshev, A.D.; Podborodnikov, I.V.; Higo, Y. Phase boundary between cubic B1 and rhombohedral structures in (Mg,Fe)O magnesiowüstite determined by in situ X-ray diffraction measurements // Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
  2. Likhacheva, A.Y.; Dementiev, S.; Goryainov, S. Compressibility and reversible amorphization of thaumasite Ca3Si(OH)6(CO3)(SO4)·12H2O pressurized in methanol–ethanol–H2O up to 5 GPa // Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
  3. Ivanov, A.V.; Mukasa, S.B.; Kamenetsky, V.S.; Ackerson, M.; Demonterova, E.I.; Pokrovsky, B.G.; Vladykin, N.V.; Kolesnichenko, M.V.; Litasov, K.D.; Zedgenizov, D.A. Volatile concentrations in olivine-hosted melt inclusions from meimechite and melanephelinite lavas of the Sberian traps large igneous province: evidence for flux-related high-Ti, high-Mg volcanism // Chemical Geology
  4. Sharygin, I.S.; Shatskiy, A.; Litasov, K.D.; Golovin, A.V.; Ohtani, E.; Pokhilenko, N.P. Merwinite formation via peridotite-carbonatite melt interaction and metasomatic origin of sublithospheric diamonds with Ca-rich suite of inclusions // Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
  5. Shatskiy A.; Podborodnikov I.V.; Arefiev, A.V.; Minin D.A.; Chanyshev A.D.; Litasov K.D. Revision of the CaCO3–MgCO3 phase diagram at 3 and 6 GPa // American Mineralogist
  6. (In Russian) Колесниченко, М.В.; Зедгенизов, Д.А.; Рагозин, А.Л.; Литасов, К.Д.; Шацкий, В.С. Содержание воды в минералах эклогитов из кимберлитовой тр. Удачная (Якутия) и их роль в распределении летучих компонентов в субконтинентальной мантии // Геология и геофизика